Teppanyaki Grill Equipment | The Electromagnet Burning Device

At first, teppanyaki grill equipment was heated by coal or gas. There are many drawbacks in this way; hygiene, safety, heating speed, temperature control and other major aspects can not meet the standards, this situation has continued nearly In 30 years, it was not until the 1990s that electromagnetic heating technology was applied to teppanyaki grill equipment for the first time.


Previously, electromagnetic heating technology has been born for fifty or six decades, but no one has applied it to hiabchi table equipment, but it has only been applied in the induction cooker industry. In the face of various adverse conditions of gas heating, the researchers accidentally got the inspiration; that is, after he studied the success of the electromagnetic movement, he felt that the same object was heated, why can't it be applied to the teppanyaki? After more than a year of continuous testing and commissioning, electromagnet burn has finally come out. Its main advantages can be summarized as follows: First, the heating speed is fast, it takes only 3 minutes to heat up to 200 degrees of cooking temperature. Second, there is no open fire and the safety is greatly improved. Third, energy saving, temperature control, constant temperature, so that the chef is more than enough; and electricity costs are much cheaper than gas. The above three advantages are enough to set off a revolution in the teppanyaki industry.


In addition to heating, smoke purification is also an important part of teppanyaki, and researchers have also reformed it. The previous exhaust equipment was connected at the end of the pipeline, the effect was not satisfactory, and even did not meet the environmental standards; after the reform, the inside of the teppanyaki was specially added with fans and purifiers, and these two equipments can only handle the fumes. About 80% off, and the gas is hotter; the researchers thought of using water to cool and purify the remaining gas, which has achieved good results; this is the water circulation cooling purification system. In addition, there are processing equipment such as ultraviolet disinfection and activated carbon to remove odor.


Due to the long-term use of Japanese teppanyaki equipment, it will inevitably breed bacteria. After a long time, it will be polluted. UV disinfection can kill 99% of bacteria and make teppanyaki equipment more hygienic and safe. The activated carbon removes the odor and solves the taste problem of the tuyere discharge; no matter what kind of processing equipment, the taste of the food can not be removed, and the activated carbon has good adsorption effect, and the activated carbon at the end of the tuyere can absorb more than 90% of the smell and solve the problem. The last difficulty of teppanyaki equipment.


teppanyaki grill